Install Mobile Converter to boost your conversion rate and revenue on mobile!

Adding the brand on the app is actually required by the developers for copyright protection most especially since the app is for free. So we have the Power User program which will allow our customers to enjoy great features including the capability to remove Beeketing brand once activated. As a promotion, we are activating Power User for free. 

Beeketing branding

You can activate Power User features yourself as below

>> Click on the hyperlink "Please contact us". In case you have no idea where it is located. Please take a look at the screenshot here:

Click on Please contact us

You should see a popup which confirmed that you have just become a Power User as in the screenshot below:

Congratualtion popup

From now on, the branding of Beeketing will not be displayed on your app anymore. 

Mobile Converter without Beeketing branding

In case you do not know how to carry out the above steps, there is another solution. Just send us an email to [email protected] with your store domain, then we will activate the Power User feature for you. 

If you need any support, do not hesitate to contact us.

Start winning way more money from mobile with Mobile Converter now!