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By default, Countdown Cart is written in English, but you can totally translate every element on the app within your app admin.

In Countdown Timer, you can edit the message or translate the labels.

Translation in Countdown Timer

In stock countdown, you only need to edit the message.

Translation in Stock Countdown

And in Social Proof, you will need to translate the text in two tabs: Displays and Widgets. The screenshots below show how to do that. 

With Displays, just change the message "Closing in {countdown number} seconds".

Translation in Social Proof

It is a little bit busier to translate in Widgets, you need to cope with three message listed in the screenshot below:

Translation in Widgets

That is all for Countdown Cart translation.

If you need any support, do not hesitate to contact us.

>>Install Countdown Cart now to raise the urgency, make customers buy faster and lift up your sales.